Go from Established to Known with

weekly personalized pitch brainstorming, actual media pitching, and monthly training to help you nail your media interviews with confidence and power

Join Now

Before we dive in...
Let's make sure we are the right fit for each other.

We have 3 main qualifiers:

1. You really want to get results!

You want media attention but you're hesitant to sign up for yet another program.

We hear you.

What's the point of signing up for a course, you get on Zoom and then it's a bunch of talking heads.

And, then... you have to figure out how to implement on your own.

In this program, every session is an ACTUAL WORK SESSION!

We tell you exactly what to pitch that day - what's "hot, trending news" in your industry.

We work on your pitch with you and then you send it off to journalists.

No talking heads BS on this end.

2. You want REAL credibility.

Our ideal clients are the real deal.

They don't 'buy' credibility like fake followers or pay to pose with a celebrity.

They want to be respected, taken seriously, and seen for their brilliance.

Quite frankly, they are ethical and looking to grow their business and visibility authentically and in a way that is sustainable.

3. You want to attract clients & lucrative opportunities from media attention.

If you are going to invest in getting visibility, why not monetize it?

It's time to have leads come to you, rather than you chasing them.

We give you a strategy to leverage the credibility you gain from being in the media to sell your services and offers. This allows you to command higher rates and if you are speaker, land those bigger stages and pay.

No more exhausting sales calls. No more trying to prove yourself. No more, frustration that people fail to see your value.

If you're ready to land media attention and see real results, keep reading...

If not, we invite you to exit this page.

Do you feel like the world's best-kept secret?

You’re an expert in your field. So why are others in your industry landing media interviews instead of you? 

Why do you only seem to be able to land podcasts with a limited audience instead of high-profile media appearances?

It’s frustrating, because you know you have a unique perspective that the world needs to hear...but no matter how many hours you spend marketing yourself, you just can’t seem to get the visibility you deserve. 

You might even feel like you're missing something. 

Like some secret code that will unlock media attention and finally put you in the spotlight.

Truth is, getting media attention is a challenging, competitive process.

It's easy to feel invisible - and ignored.

We get it.

There are a lot of people out there trying to sell you on their “media expertise” – and the reason why their advice isn’t working for you is because these so-called “experts”….

  • Are using outdated tactics
  • Don’t have real client results
  • Lack a proven, step-by-step system
  • Are selling you fake solutions
  • They don’t walk their talk

If you don’t figure out how to land media attention, you will….

  • Struggle to raise your rates, because you   aren’t seen as the best in your field
  • Not be taken seriously by bigger strategic   partners and clients
  • Continue to feel frustrated that other people   are getting in the news and you aren’t
  • Waste weeks, months, years continuing to bust your ass trying in vain to increase your visibility
  • Lose money by investing in programs with people who have NOT accomplished what you want to accomplish
  • Feel defeated when you realized that you’ve spent a lot of money to buy yourself fake credibility and visibility
  • Struggle to land high-paid speaking engagements

Pitch Club Café is specifically designed to help experts like you get noticed in the media and build a powerful media presence. Whether you dream of landing high-paid speaking engagements, appearing on top-tier media outlets, or simply want to grow your visibility and authority in your industry, we can help.

Through personalized pitch brainstorming, actual media pitching, and expert training to speak with confidence and power, we'll show you how to unlock the secrets of media success and take your business to the next level.

Amy, Pitch Club Cafe member, has appeared on ABC, NBC, local radio, HomeLight, US News and World Report, Go Banking Reports, and more since joining Pitch Club Cafe.

Amy Cherry Taylor, Top Producing Realtor
Avery Hess Realtors

So how does Pitch Club Cafe work?

When you join us, you get access to our online portal where we'll teach you our proven 3-step system to land media attention. 

Our system has a 100% success rate — but only when you follow it and get our feedback before you pitch.

Once you learn the system, you'll create a personalized journalist list based on your topic and the type of media attention you want to land. 

You'll also create a media bio showcasing your expertise and setting you apart from the competition.


With your journalist list and media bio in hand, you'll attend weekly pitching sessions on Zoom where we'll guide you in crafting your pitch specifically to your expertise. 

And if you don't know what to pitch, we've got you. We tell you what to pitch, our team does it for you, saving you hours of researching every week.

We'll even edit your pitch before you email it off to a journalist, so you know it's of the highest quality.


The magic of Pitch Club Cafe is that you'll no longer have to stress out about finding the time to pitch - or wonder if your pitch is good enough.

Jonelle, Pitch Club Cafe member, has appeared on her local NBC, ABC, local radio, New York Times, she has been quoted in multiple publications and is now being paid to write articles related to pediatric dentistry.

Jonelle Anamelechi, Certified Pediatric Dentist
Children's Choice Pediatric Dentistry

You'll have peace of mind knowing that you have a dedicated time blocked off every week and that we're on your team to support you in creating excellent pitches that journalists will pay attention to.

But getting media attention is only one part of the equation. Equally important is how you present yourself during interviews. 

That's why we'll also provide monthly Speak from Your Power™ online training sessions on everything from speaking in soundbites to telling compelling stories to using your voice and body language to deliver more impact.

We believe the majority of PR,
speaking & thought leadership development companies promising to get you media and get you ‘known’
produce zero to mediocre results.

Why? We’ll give you 5 good reasons: 

1. They fail to offer a holistic approach. 

They tend to only look at one aspect. For example, A lot of PR firms don’t train people on how to present themselves effectively during an interview. So they might get you an interview – but if you blow the first one, you won’t get invited back. Or, they pitch you, but you don't get the gig because your online presence sucks. It’s far easier to get invited to speak on bigger stages when you have media attention.

2. They don’t practice what they preach. 

We are LIVING the life of people who are known. We have done what you are looking to accomplish. We have mastered all aspects of getting known – the proof is public.

3. They use outdated strategies. 

The industry is always changing. Many companies aren’t keeping up with the trends and planning ahead for what the industry is doing.  Because we continue to be active in the public eye, we have the pulse on what is and isn’t working TODAY. 

4. They sell ‘fake’ strategies.

It’s not enough to have a client get a photo with a famous person to be seen as ‘credible’ and ‘someone who hangs out with celebrities.’ Posturing like that gives you some ‘fame’ (if people fall for it)...but that ‘fame’ doesn’t last – because you don‘t have a sustainable strategy that truly showcases your brilliance.

5. They fail to work on your online presence. 

You can have a great pitch but when a journalist 'checks you out’ (which they will) you NEED to check out. They need to see evidence of your expertise and how you present yourself. For you to be successful, you MUST have a strong online presence that is specifically positioned to land media attention.

Because we practice what we preach, we know what works and what doesn't in today's industry.


I'll be on OAN again today at 2p est.

Gene, Pitch Club Cafe Member, is regularly featured in the media including Newsweek, Security Magazine, Forbes, and podcasts.

Gene Petrino, former SWAT Commander


We're always up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies,

so you can be sure that you're getting the most effective and

relevant guidance available.

AND.... we give you the strategy you need to translate that visibility into more clients.

If you're also a speaker, this leads to bigger stages and allows you to command higher fees.

In Pitch Club Cafe, you will learn how to:

  • Integrate your media attention into your sales cycles.
  • Re-purpose your press on social media on an ongoing basis to stay top of mind as the go-to expert in your industry.
  • Leverage media as touch points with former clients and trust-building connections with previous and current leads.
  • Share it with conference organizers to build credibility and desire to book you.

SUCCESS: My article was published in WIFS! So ah-mazing! Pitch Club Cafe is getting me published and helping to build my brand! Thank you Cindy & Christina! 

Jaclyn Bradley, MSOD

Co-Founder, Mindshift Financial Coaching

Who are we - and why us?

I’m Christina Daves. I'm a PR strategist and on-air host with a passion for helping people get the publicity they deserve. With my clients, we've garnered over 1 billion views and over $100 million in sales from free publicity - and I walk the walk every day in my own business.

My journey began in 2010 when I broke my foot just before a trip to New York City, the fashion capital of the world. Determined to make the ugly medical boot fashionable, I designed my own line of fashion accessories and launched CastMedic Designs to help people "Heal in Style."

But I soon realized I had no budget left for advertising or a PR campaign, so I had to teach myself how to get free publicity. I read every book and article I could find, and in less than a year, I appeared in over 50 media outlets, including major networks like NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX. My invention caught the attention of Steve Harvey's Emmy® Award-winning daytime show, where I was named "Top Inventor" and even caught the eye of celebrities like Diana Ross and Carla Hall. 

Now, through PR for Anyone®, I teach people how to replicate my success using my proven three-step formula, The Get PR Famous™ Formula. My two books, including The DIY Guide to FREE Publicity, share not only my journey but also valuable tips for media success. I also share my experiences and inspire others on stages across the country.

As an on-air expert, I appear on television stations nationwide and host regular segments on Good Morning Washington and Good Day DC. I have featured products from brands like Amazon, Home Depot, and Kohl's, as well as local inventors. I'm even a guest host on QVC, and my podcast, Living Ageless and Bold for Successful Women 55+, is ranked top 5% globally.

But what sets me apart is my ability to connect with top media professionals, from producers on Oprah, Rachael Ray, and FOX News to editors from Parade Magazine, Family Circle, The Washington Post, and beyond. By leveraging my experience and connections, I help my clients get the attention they deserve and build their brands to new heights.

I’m Cindy Ashton. I walk the walk every day in our business. With my guidance, my clients have spoken on thousands of stages and consistently doubled or tripled their revenues –without resorting to manipulative sales tactics or forcing their message on anyone.

My journey started in 2008, during the economic crash, shortly after I immigrated to the US. Despite not knowing anyone or having many leads, within a year, I found myself sharing stages with some of the biggest names on the planet and all over the media. It seemed like a dream come true, but it wasn't.

The gurus who had groomed me to be the next big motivational star had shared with me all the ways they pushed people to buy high-ticket items at these events — from sales scripts to leveraging traditional speaking skills that tended to come from "push" energy with canned poses, gestures, and speech effects. 

I knew this approach was inauthentic and made me feel sick to my stomach – so I walked away.

As an award-winning television host who has interviewed countless celebrities on the red carpet, I can tell you that true power comes from within. When you learn how to Speak from Your Power™, you get in alignment with your message and mission. You access your authentic, inner power and amplify your brilliance to the world. And that's what you want to do in all your media interviews. By being authentic and speaking from your true power, you invite and attract people to you instead of pushing yourself on them.

With my experience and guidance, I help my clients tap into their inner power and speak their truth in a way that invites and attracts others. And when you do that, the media will ask you back, and meeting planners will want to book you to speak. So if you're ready to amplify your message and attract the right people, let's work together to Speak from Your Power™.

We'll help you go from established to known.

Imagine waking up one morning and seeing your quote in the New York Times or heading to Good Morning America for a TV interview.

The recognition and exposure you would receive from that media attention would dramatically elevate your business and your brand.

How would it feel to have potential clients reaching out to YOU because they saw you in the media?

How exciting will that be to connect with a meeting planner and show them your media attention, knowing that will give you the upper hand on landing the speaking gig?

While in Pitch Club Cafe, Megan landed many speaking engagements, got speaker representation from an introduction we made for her, and wrote a chapter in a best-selling book. 

Megan Reilly, Franchise Founder

Tippi Toes, Inc.

When you join Pitch Club Café,

you'll have the tools and guidance to make that a reality.

You'll learn our proven 3-step system to land media

attention and attract potential clients to your business.

What You'll Learn

  • Land media attention over and over (as long as you show up and do the work ,of course).
  • Know the process to pitch the media and get results – being newsworthy, finding the RIGHT journalists, creating great hooks, writing pitches that will get read, submitting them, how to follow up, how to repurpose an old pitch with new information and MORE!
  • Understand how to repurpose your media attention across social media and in your sales process to attract new clients. 
  • Learn how to message and position yourself as the expert – a critical skill for all of your marketing.
  • Uplevel your ongoing brand presence to be media-ready.
  • Master creating soundbites for media interviews so they are succinct, to the point and impactful.
  • Prepare for and dress for success on camera.
  • Have voice exercises so you sound vibrant in interviews (and people don’t tune you out).
  • Learn body language do’s and don’ts for on camera interviews.
  • Have a structure to tell compelling stories for interviews .
  • Deal with anxiety of presenting.
  • Be seen as the ‘go-to’ expert in your industry
  • Dramatically expand your visibility.
  • Speak your message from your power in media interviews as well as in all parts of your business.

What's Included

  • Weekly Pitching Sessions on Zoom where you will craft your pitch and send it off to journalists
  • Weekly "What to Pitch the Media" idea list generation
  • Monthly Speak from your Power™ Workshops including: 
  • How to develop messaging and content for long-form print interviews and podcasts.
  • Creating sound bites for short interviews such as on TV or radio
  • On-camera training for live and virtual TV interviews, including technical setup for virtual interviews and how to dress for live TV
  • Speaking voice training to teach you to speak with a vibrant voice – and know how and when to use appropriate pauses and dynamics.
  • How to build  powerful, compelling stories for interviews.
  • Unlocking magnetic body language and developing a powerful personal presence.
  • Communicating from a position and place of power.
  • Reducing presenting anxiety to be calm and in control in any media or speaking situation.
  • PR101 Fast Track Digital Course to give you the fundamental principles necessary for successful PR.
  • Lucrative Bookings Digital Course  to help you book top-notch, high-visibility speaking gigs.

Pitch Club Cafe member, Alison, landed many speaking engagements and media appearances in Newsweek and her local magazine Downers Grove and various other interviews.

Alison Henderson, Certified Body Language Expert

Moving Image Consulting

If you are ready to get real results...

Know that every session is an ACTUAL WORKING SESSION and...

We give you the strategy to leverage your media attention to:

Raise your rates, attract more clients, increase your revenue – and be seen as the go-to expert in your industry.

3 Months of Pitch Club Cafe - February - April

BONUS #1 - the remainder of January

BONUS #2 - 30 days of media/speaker
database access


I'm in!
3 months - 3 Payments

In addition, you will also get:

  • Private email access to both Christina and Cindy to ask questions, edit pitches and get feedback (1 pitch review/week).
  • Exclusive media and speaking opportunities
  • Cindy or Christina will hop on the phone if you need help to prep before a last-minute interview.

With you, within three months I can already attribute $600,000 in sales in the next year from what we are doing now.

Doug Brown

Former President of Sales for Tony Robbins and CEO of Business Success Factors

I just got off the call and she emailed me immediately to say the interview was great. Thank you for that confidence. I just shared what I knew! ❤️ - Jonelle

You've got questions.
We've got answers.

For that much money, why can’t I just hire a PR firm to pitch for me? 

While hiring a reputable PR firm may seem tempting, the truth is that their services come with a hefty price tag. What you would spend on 3 months with us wouldn't even cover 1 month with a reputable publicist. Moreover, PR firms require a minimum 3 to 6-month investment without guaranteeing any media placement. Even if you do secure a placement, it's a one-time opportunity, as someone else did the pitching for you.

In contrast, Pitch Club Café empowers you to develop the skills to land your own media features and master high-level speaking skills – skills that will benefit you throughout your career.

Unless you're willing to pay 60-100K per year for a publicist, learning to pitch yourself is the sustainable and cost-effective choice.

I just can’t afford that. 

Can you afford to continue spending countless hours every day marketing yourself without a real strategy? Without confidence what you’re doing will actually get you significant visibility and credibility? How much time are you currently wasting? How much money are you losing because you aren’t appearing in the media which allows you to raise your rates and charge more for your speaking fees? 

Can you afford to continue to see others in your industry get showcased in the media — and continue feeling that frustration, anger and/or defeat?

When are the weekly pitch sessions? And what if I can't make it?

Every Wednesday from 11 am to 12 pm ET. If you can't make it, email your pitch to us at least 12 hours in advance. We will provide feedback on the call and you can listen to the replay. And as part of your membership, you do you have email access to us (1 pitch per week). 

What if I don't have anything to pitch?

Most experts are amazing at what they do but don't know how that translates to newsworthy content for the media. That's where we come in, we find unique angles on a weekly basis, topics that are trending in the media, and help you create a pitch that's aligned with the trending topics and positions your expert knowledge in a newsworthy way.

Do I have to already be known in my industry to get media attention? 


Not true. It’s a myth that you need to be already known to be interviewed by the press. Journalists are looking for great stories that are relevant to current trends and news. If you can show them in your pitch how YOU can help them tell that story, you will be their hero. So get moving on sharing your expertise because they NEED you!

Pitch Your Way to Success:

Go from Established to Known with

personalized strategy.

Join Us Today!